
Posts Tagged ‘PXE Boot’

Skipping F12 when PXE booting from a WDS server

November 21, 2010 Leave a comment

These days, I’ve been deploying my Windows OS’s with Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 in the lab.

The benefit of doing this, is that I can customize the deployment process to install just what I need, customize OS Settings, have it auto-join the domain, etc, etc.

Anyways, since all of my lab is built on VMware vSphere deploy OS’s using the vSphere Client. Now, when using PXE in this environment it’s a PITA when you have to hit F12 every time the VM boots. Often I’ll power on the VM, then open console – and guess what? You already missed the F12 boot and the VM skips right by PXE.

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